AMILCAR CABRAL Freedom fighter, 1924-1973

1924: Amílcar Cabral is born on September 12, in Bafatá, Guinea.
1932: Moves to Cabo Verde.
1943: Finishes secondary schooling in Mindelo, on the island of São Vicente.
1944: Obtains a job at the National Printing Office, in Praia, the capital of Cape Verde, on São Tiago Island.
1945: Is awarded a scholarship and begins his studies at the Agronomy Institute, in Lisbon.
1950: Graduates from the institute and starts working at the Agronomy Center, in Santarém.
1952: Returns to Bissau under contract with the Agricultural and Forestry Services of Portuguese Guinea.
1955: The Governor demands that he leave the colony; Cabral goes to work in Angola; he joins the Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA).
1956: The African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde and Guinea (PAIGC) is founded in Bissau.
1960: The PAIGC establishes a delegation in Conakry, capital of the Republic of Guinea; China gives support to the training of members of the PAIGC.
1961: Morocco welcomes members of the PAIGC.
1963: Open warfare breaks out on January 23, with an attack on the military installations at Tite, in southern Guinea-Bissau; the PAIGC sets up a northern battlefront in July.
1970: Pope Paul VI grants an audience on July 1 to Amílcar Cabral, Agostinho Neto and Marcelino dos Santos.
On November 22, the Governor of Guinea-Bissau decides to establish a “commando” operation to which he gives the name of “Mar Verde” (Green Sea), whose goal is to capture or eliminate the leaders of the PAIGC located in Conakry: it fails!
1973: Amílcar Cabral is assassinated in Conakry on January 20.

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